Latest Campaigns

Join the Movement to Stop Plastic Pollution!

Plastics are choking marine life, our waterways, and our bodies. The latest study shows that since large-scale plastic production began in the 1950s, 8.3 billion metric tons of plastic have been produced. Join us to get the latest updates on plastics and opportunities to push for solutions!

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Take the Plastic Free Challenge

To create a future without plastic pollution, we need to take action to get disposable plastic out of our lives and out of our communities. Feeling up to the task? Take the Plastic Free Challenge for a month of Citizen Muscle actions to combat plastic pollution.

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Taking On Water Privatization

In Michigan weak water laws, corporate interests, and poor leadership by elected officials led to disaster. As Flint continues to manage ongoing lead poisoning and thousands more face water shut-offs in Detroit, the multinational corporation Nestlé seeks to expand its commodification of this life-giving resource by bottling water out of Great Lakes’ aquifers just hours away.

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Tell Nestlé to Prove Its Water Right!

At a mountain community meeting, a retired Forest Service biologist noted, “Nestlé gave the Forest Service a piece of paper saying that they have a water right, but no one, including the Forest Service, has looked into whether this right is valid.” Tell Nestlé’s CEO Tim Brown present us documented proof of their right to our water.    

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Stop Microfiber Plastic Pollution!

Synthetic fabrics, from which 60% of all clothing on earth is made, have a big hidden problem: when they’re washed, they release tiny plastic bits — called microfibers — that flow down our drains, through water treatment plants, and out into our rivers, lakes and oceans by the billions.

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Raise Your Voice for a Strong EPA

More than 60 percent of Americans would like to see the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s powers preserved or strengthened under the current administration, but all indicators show that the EPA is more likely to be stripped of its power to protect our health and environment. Sign today to show your support for the EPA!    

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Stop Shaw from Carpeting our World with Toxics!

Shaw has been reneging on its commitment to recycle billions of pounds of carpet waste by closing two carpet recycling facilities in the U.S. and pursuing policies that lead to an increase in burning of carpet waste. We demand that your company stop “greenwashing” your commitment to sustainability and live up to it by achieving meaningful rates of carpet recycling.

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Tell Tim Brown: “Respect the Government’s authority to restrict Nestlé’s use of water!”

We took the Forest Service to court over Nestlé’s illegal removal of millions of gallons of water from San Bernardino National Forest in California. Nestlé has challenged the government’s very right to restrict the company’s activities on public lands. Let Tim Brown know: “Nestlé should respect the U.S. government’s authority to restrict Nestlé’s use of water on our public lands!”

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Take a stand. Share your photo. Stop Nestlé.

At the World Water Forum in 2000, Nestlé successfully lobbied to stop water from being declared a universal right. We’re showing Nestlé that the world supports protecting public water, and opposes the wastefulness created by bottling it. Will you help show Nestlé that the public supports protecting our shared water resources?

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Tell Nestle: “Water is a public resource. Stop draining water from our public lands for profit! ”

California citizens are facing mandatory water restrictions, but Nestlé Waters’ bottling plants are operating at full volume. In a period where the state is drying up, California can hardly afford to waste water. It’s time to let Nestle’s CEO know that his refusal to conserve water is unacceptable. If we’re going to live sustainably on this planet, we all need to pitch in...

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Share a Photo – How do you Simplify the Holidays?

From now through the end of December, we’re on a mission to collect pictures and stories from you -our amazing Community- doing all the glorious, delicious, and simple things that make this time of year special; the things you have time to do when you aren’t shopping.

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They’re not Coke’s Parks. They’re OUR National Parks.

Our National Parks are being threatened by plastic pollution from bottled water. The Story of Stuff Community supported National Parks like the Grand Canyon in going bottled-water free. But a recently-introduced congressional amendment is trying to take away these protections. Tell Congressman Keith Rothfus (R) “Stop advocating for Coca-Cola’s rights, and start supporting cleaner parks today!”

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Tell J&J: Stop selling products with microbeads immediately!

Billions of these dirty microplastics are being dumped into the ocean each year. It’s time to stop these horrific polluting products.

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Nestlé: Water is a human right. Start treating it like one!

Across the globe, Nestlé is pushing to privatize and control public water resources. Nestlé’s Chairman of the Board, Peter Brabeck, has explained his philosophy with “The one opinion, which I think is extreme, is represented by the NGOs, who bang on about declaring water a public right. That means as a human being you should have a right to water....

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Tell The Coca-Cola Company: Stop draining the life out of Mehdiganj!

Coca-Cola is determined to drain the village of Mehdiganj, India, dry despite a government order to shut down the plant for using too much water and violating pollution limits. According to Indian authorities, the groundwater level in the village has gone from “safe” to “over-exploited” — the worst designation of groundwater, before it dries up completely —in the time the...

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